Species Directory




  • About section
  • Basic information
  • Behavior



  • Anatomy
  • Internal biology
  • Life cycle
  • Diet



  • Species abilities
  • About overdrive
  • Meditation


What are Starlings?

Starlings are a magestic species of humanoid stars. They are one of the most powerfull species in the universe. Starlings have the most advanced technelogy which they use to help the inhabitants of the universe. They are avid explorers and love to find new planets and civilisations. Starlings are pasifists by nature and love to help other cyvilisations so that they can trive just like them!

Species Basic Info

Name Starlings
Other names Star beings, Light Novians, Starralien, Starborn
Type Nova being, magical, alien
Average height 180~ cm
Lifespan Varied
Diet Anything
Native planet Sterrela
Habitat Anywhere
Subtypes 5
Creation date 2017


Physical Traits

Starlings are humanoid beings who somewhat resemble humans. Their skin is a bright white color due to the Novanium that covers it. Their hair is a large mass made out of plasma, the color, and length of this plasma determines their power level. The color of a Starling follows the temperature spectrum just like stars: red, orange, yellow, white and then blue. The inner color of a Starling is always hotter than the outside, this means a red starling has an orange insides which is visible within their pupil, the same rule applies to other Starling types.


I dont know how to say it but... this entire species are just humans with star magic. I tried my best to make them as alien as possible given but its hard

Body shape

same as humans

Skin color

Starling's skin is coverd in a special mineral called Novanium this gives them Pale white glowy skin

General height

While it can be the same as humans, the stronger Starling variants are a lot taller.

General weight

They would actually be heavvy due to how dencly packed they are in magic and recourses, but thanks to their Nova heart and their powers the way their bodies react against gravity has made it so that they are very light.

Notable features

Starlings have glowing plasma hair along with pale white skin due to it being layerd in a strong Novanium layer.

Physical variance

Starlings have different variants based entirely on their power level, the stronger they are, the longer their plasma hair and the taller they are.
Black dwarf
Brown dwarf
Red dwarf
White dwarf
Orange star
Yellow star
White star
Red giant
Black hole star

Internal Biology

Life cycle

All Starlings are born from a giant magical cloud called the Nebula. When a Novi heart is sent into the nebula, some of the gas will get absorbed by the orb, which then creates a Starling out of it. Many starlings start out as small young stars, but as they get older they can gather more magic which will turn them into a stronger variant. Gathering magic and knowledge can increase a starlings influence and depending on what good they do, they can be rewarded with more power from the Nova core itself.

Starlings can become incredibly powerful beings, but their incredible power can put a lot of strain on their Novi heart, which is why the more powerful a starling gets, the shorter their lifespan becomes. As a result of this it has shaped Starling culture, Weaker starlings live longer, and they spend most of their life helping by doing small contribution to the world. Starlings who look to be stronger on the other hand use all the power the universe has given them to achieve a large noble cause that usually has a significant impact on the universe.

At the end of a Starling's lifespan, they release back all the energy that they have borrowed back into the universe. When it comes to powerful starlings they have a chance at morphing into a pulsar type which is often regarded as a state of ultimate ascension. With this transformation, the starling's heart has been compressed to be able to handle this ultimate form of theirs.

Unfortunately, though, some starlings who have become lost in the pursue of power and influence can become way too powerful to the point they might collapse into themselves and be reborn into a Vacuumian. This is very rare, but it is a possibility that many starlings dread to see.

Diet and nutrition

Starlings can eat litteraly anything, the things that they eat is turned into pure energy. Starlings will rarly eat meat because they are pacifist at heart and thus will not huint for meat.


Brown dwarf


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Red dwarf


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Orange dwarf


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Yellow star


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White star


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Neutron star


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Culture and society

Social structure

Not much is known about this

Language ans communication

Not much is known about this...

Values and beliefs

Not much is known about this...

Fashion and Adornments

They wear sci fi looking clothes that are mostly star inspired. Active Starlings tend to wear Jumpsuits. Traditional/scolar Starlings tend to wear Longer and decorated outfits such as dresses and capes with ribbons and jewels.

Music, Dance, and Rituals

Not much is known about this...

Allies and Enemies

Not much is known about this...

Trade and Diplomacy

Not much is known about this...


Sarlings are very commonly seen as scolars, engineers, scientists and doctors as they love to help other civilisations thrive.

Technology and Artifacts

Primitive or Advanced

Not much is known about this...

Energy Sources

Nova core

Tools and Machines

Not much is known about this...

Art and Architecture

Not much is known about this...

Enviroment and Habitat


The original planet that the Cymbros inhabited has been completely destroyed, all what remains of it are the chunks of floating island in the Ambrosian pocket dimention. The Ambrosia world consists of many floating islands, Cymbrose use their wings to glide from island to island. Some subtypes are better adapted to gliding than others.

Climate and geography

The ambrosian world doesnt exactly experience seasons, the climate of the locations depends entirely on which island you are located on.

History and Origins

Creation Myth

spoilers for the story of Lizzie's Universe

A long long time ago in the very early years of the universe there exsisted a being called the nova core. Not only was it the heart of the universe but it was also a sentient being. This being was bored and tried to create beings from the future that it saw. To enjoy the universe that it had created it had split its conciousness into bilions of fragments, these fragments are what became the Novians. These novians were the original inhabitants of the universe and they spread far and wide, experimenting and messing around with the fabrick of space time. While doing so some novians discoverd that there was a world outside of itself, this world being the muilktiverse, a world of infinite potential. But the Nova core was never meant to leave the worlds within itself, this conflicting desires sparked a violent ciovil war amongst its own kind.

The dark novians emerged and started destroying the entire universe, including the other novians to open the universe and cosume all there is out there, but thez light novians refused to let this happen and fought as hard as theyu could against this chaos. Eventually to put an end to this sensless war one of the crown,ed novians did the ultimate sacrifise to split the Physical manifestation of the nova core to reset the universe but insted this split fundamantaly rewrote the universe and fragmen,ted the Novians into theree different species, the Crystalians, the Starlings and The Vacuumians.

Headcannon or something

Some say that the splitting of the Nova core caused the nova universe to be fragmented but that when it reformed it absorbed othr smaller universes around itself which mught be why the universe is very diverse in magic but also as to why the noivians failed to reform completely because the general make up of the universe isnt as perfect as it used to be. But hey thats just a theory, A GAME THEORY

Key Events

Not much is known about this...

Species history

Starlings were made back in 2017, they were referd to as Star beings for the lingest time as they didnt have an official name.